- March 29, 2023
- Posted by: Muskoka Marketing Admin
- Category: General Online Marketing

Organic Search Optimization
Why is SEO important to my business? This post will take you through all the basics involved with SEO, and why you need to invest back into your website’s overall health.
We’ve all been there – you want to find a new restaurant to visit so you google “restaurants near me.” Whichever search engine you use will boost certain restaurants’ websites to the first page of your results page. Search engines have specially designed technology that analyzes websites in order to determine which ones are good and which are bad, and they show you only the best.
As a business, it’s important to be on the first page of those search engine results. To do so, you need to understand SEO. SEO is the best way to make sure you’re reaching the right people at the right time.
What is SEO?
SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” To put it simple, it means the process of increasing your website’s visibility when people use search engines to look up related products and services. The better your visibility, the more likely you are to get attention and attract customers to your business.
How Does SEO Work?
Search engines such as Google and Bing use technology to search all throughout the internet, finding websites and putting them in an index. Then, algorithms analyze pages in this index in order to determine the order pages should appear in the search results for a given topic. SEO success factors help to influence these algorithms and place your page at the top of the search results for any inquiry. Unlike paid search ads, you can’t pay search engines to produce your page higher in online search rankings. SEO experts have to put in work to make that happen. SEO experts use a combination of SEO-boosting strategies to make sure your page will come up at the top of the results page.
Why SEO is Important for Your Business
SEO is a fundamental part of advertising. People conduct trillions of searches each year, often with the intent to find out about products or services. Search is often the first place people go to before making a purchase or visiting a location. It’s also where they go before they visit your website or social media platforms, as well. Greater visibility and ranking higher in search engine results than your competition can have a huge impact on sales.
Here are some reasons why SEO is vital for any business:
- Organic search is most often the primary source for website traffic. Organic search is a huge part of most business’ website performance. It means that people can organically find your website when searching for a general keyword or question.
- SEO builds trust and credibility. The goal of any SEO is to establish a strong foundation for your website. Many elements go into this, including quality websites, positive user feedback, and optimized on-page elements. Establishing your brand as a reputable website will increase your chances of having a better search results presence.
- Good SEO also means a better user experience. Every business wants better organic search rankings and maximum visibility. Google has learned what makes a good or bad user experience, and a good user experience has become a huge factor in determining a website’s success. Websites that offer the consumer what they want in an easy way, will do better on search results rankings.
- Local SEO means increased engagement, traffic, and conversions. With the rise of mobile users, local search has become a fundamental part of small businesses’ success. Local SEO aims to show results for a specific area, so people can find you easily and quickly. SEO professionals can strengthen your business’ local SEO to draw people near you to your business.
- SEO impacts the buying cycle. Customers are smart. They do their research before making any decisions. It’s one of the biggest advantages that customers have. Using SEO methods to relay information about good deals on your product/service will ultimately impact how people interact with your brand.
- SEO practices are constantly being updated and improved. As the tech world evolves, so does advertising. Being proactive and monitoring trends will improve your chances of ranking high on search engine results.
- Understanding SEO will help you understand the internet and your online presence. With an ever-changing environment such as the internet, it can sometimes be difficult to stay on top of all the latest trends. Staying on top of SEO will help you to implement them in order to rise above the competition.
- SEO is relatively inexpensive. Most advertising costs money. SEO is relatively cheap in the grand scheme of things, and the payoff is greater than most online advertising. Spending money on great SEO implementation will result in a lot more conversions than with web or traditional advertising alone, since people Google things naturally all the time.
- It’s a long-term strategy. SEO can have a noticeable impact within the first year of implementation. As the market evolves, it’s important to follow trends. When doing so, search engine results will be more inclined to boost your page.
- It’s quantifiable. While SEO doesn’t offer a super easy ROI (return on investment) calculator like some online marketing tools, you can measure anything with proper tracking and analytics. SEO professionals will know how to interpret this data and relay it to the business to understand what is working, and what needs to be changed.
- SEO brings new opportunities. Successful SEO will provide new opportunities for your brand to be discovered and to shine. The better the brand is understood, the more opportunities will arise to help it thrive.
- If you’re not on Page #1, you’re not doing well enough. If you aren’t on the first page of search results, you’re not winning at the organic search game. If you’re not on Page 1, you need to be. Just because you’re on the first page doesn’t mean people will click on your webpage, so make sure your SEO is a great as possible to make sure people are finding exactly what they’re looking for.
By implementing strong SEO on a brand’s website, you’re increasing its marketing efforts tenfold. In this new age of online marketing, organic SEO is key. If you’re unsure how to do it yourself, don’t be afraid to find an expert.
DIY vs. Agency
There are many reasons why people love doing things themselves. Often, it can save money time, and allow you to do things exactly how you want them done. However, certain things should be left to professionals.
Since search engines such as Google and Bing want to deliver the most relevant results, they have customized algorithms that analyze your website and rank is amongst others. The search algorithms use data like your location, key words, and authority of your backlinks to determine how reliable and relevant your content is.
As search engines continue to modify and adapt their algorithms to better enhance search results, it becomes harder to stay on top of these trends that will help or damage your SEO. Strategies that helped you a week ago could hurt you today. It can be hard to find reliable and up-to-date information about SEO and how it works. By doing it yourself, you risk implementing inaccurate techniques. Additionally, you’ll end up spending way more time keeping up to date and managing your SEO than you thought.
SEO experts will help ensure guaranteed results. Much like anything, professionals are trained and dedicate their professional lives to one subject. Overall, it is recommended to see a professional. This isn’t to say you can’t implement small things here and there to help boost your business’ SEO, though.
Content Creation
You don’t have to be an expert to do small things to help improve your site’s SEO. Follow these suggestions to improve your SEO and watch your website rise the ranks to the top of search engine results:
- Publish relevant content
Quality content is the top driver of search engine rankings. Quality content curated for your customers will increase your website traffic. Identify and target specific keywords or phrases for each page on your website. Think of how a customer might search for that specific term. With multiple keyword phrases, it can get difficult for a webpage to achieve search engine rankings unless the phrases are very similar. A single page may be able to show content for two phrases that are very similar, such as “auto mechanic degrees” and “auto mechanic diplomas.”
- Update your content regularly
Search engines feel very strongly about quality content. Regularly updated content is the best indicator of a site’s relevancy, so be sure to keep things up-to-date. Post frequently so that search engines see that your site is active and ready to welcome new customers.
- Metadata
When designing your website, each page contains a space between the <head> tags to insert metadata. Metadata is information about the contents of your page. If you have a CMS site originally produced by a web team, this data will be pre-populated for you. However, it’s important to review and update it as your site changes over time. Title metadata is responsible for the page titles displayed at the top of a browser window and as a headline for search engine results. It’s the most important metadata for your page. Description metadata is the textual description that a browser uses in your search page return. A good meta description will typically contain two full sentences, and is a concise and appealing description of what is on your site. Keyword metadata is rarely if ever used for search engine rankings. However, you should know your keyword phrases anyways. As a general rule, try to keep it to 3-7 phrases with 1-4 words.
- Have a link-worthy site
Try to focus on creating links that encourage clicks. Instead of “click here” links, try adding the name of the destination. This would be something like “Hawaiian car rentals” instead, which is rich in keywords and will improve your search engine rankings. Always use descriptive links by linking keywords – it adds value to your website and makes things easy to read for your future customers.
Now That You Know About SEO
Search engine optimization is a fantastic way to boost your reach. Considering the fact that people are constantly conducting searches online, the importance of search engine results is at an all-time high. By following a few tips, you can build a strong SEO for your business that will increase your chances of reaching the top ranks of search engine results.
With these tips, you can start to implement a few small techniques that will help boost your SEO. As your business grows, it might be worth it to invest in professional help. Once you’ve nailed your SEO-building techniques, you’re ready to be at the top of the search results list!